Thursday 29 September 2011

Our expectation from TMC

We Bengalis have the problem of becoming too happy at times. I heard from my parents that Bengalis celebrated like crazy when CPM came into power in late seventies. Today we are going through a phase where all of us are too happy with the recent change in West Bengal governance.

No doubt it has given us an impetus to be hopeful again after a miserable 30 years political disaster in West Bengal. But it is too early to judge anything at this point of time. All of us need to be practical and keep our initial expectations low.

It will not be easy for any new government (where most of the Ministers hardly have any prior experience to run a state) to successfully implement anything they want. It needs lot of administrative sense & qualities of the governing bodies to do any successful implementation. I am not saying this government can not do. I am saying that lets plan for long term. Give them enough time to plan & execute. But lets not go for short term gains to get public sentiment in favour.

We have seen in Gujarat and Bihar that how much changes have taken place after a good government has come into power. But Narendra Modi has taken 2 tenures to bring in the major changes. half of his initiatives could not get completed in his first tenure.

We are all hopeful to see a much improved Bengal but please do not expect to see and try to prove such improvement until 2014-2015.

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